Decimals are based on 10
Example: the numbers we use in everyday life are decimal numbers, because they are based on 10 digits (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9).
"Decimal number" is often used to mean a number that uses a decimal point followed by digits that show a value smaller than one.
Example: the numbers we use in everyday life are decimal numbers, because they are based on 10 digits (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9).
"Decimal number" is often used to mean a number that uses a decimal point followed by digits that show a value smaller than one.
First, let's have an example:
Here is the number "forty-five and six-tenths" written as a decimal number:
The decimal point goes between Ones and Tenths.
45.6 has 4 Tens, 5 Ones and 6 Tenths, like this:
We watched this video to help us think about and understand decimal numbers.