About OverDrive eAudiobooks and eBooks

Free downloadable eBook and eAudiobook collection containing thousands of fiction and non-fiction titles for adults, young adults and children.
Borrow with your library card and password / PIN
OverDrive is a free digital media platform which allows you to download eBooks and eAudiobooks. Titles include fiction and non-fiction items for adults, young adults and children. We regularly add new material. Recently we added material in other languages including eBooks in Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Tagalog.
By downloading and installing the free software you can use your library card and password / PIN to:
- Download up to ten fiction and non-fiction titles from home at any time;
- Place a hold on up to ten titles;
- Renew some titles three days before they are due to expire with a renew icon appearing next to the title on your Bookshelf under your library account;
- Transfer eBook titles to your computer or portable devices such eBook readers and smartphones;
- Transfer audio titles to your computer or portable devices such as an MP3 player or iPod;
- Burn some audio book titles to disc;
- Avoid late fees — the items self expire or you can check in eBooks early if you have finished with them;
- Buy some titles to keep.
OverDrive eBooks are compatible with most eBook readers and mobile devices except the Kindle Reader and app. The Kindle Fire Tablets are fine.
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